Arrival in Sierra Leone - 22 August 2023

                          The Global Mercy ship arriving in Freetown, Sierra Leone ~ August 2023.

               The Sierra Leone country engagement team and officials watch the Global Mercy arrive.

Celebrations of music and acrobats welcomed the Global Mercy to port.

Flags from over 40 nations were held by crew from these countries on the Global Mercy ship.

Sierra Leone 

The ocean waves carried stories,
As I heard the wind beating truth.
Truth telling human suffering,
Trauma memories echoing.

Sadness steps lingered on the streets,
Peope holding sorrowful thoughts.
Sacred stories shine loving hope,
Healing deep wounds for tomorrow.

Community care creates strength,
Love reaching out from destruction.
People kindly help each other,
Extending a hand across life.

Sweet Salone is beautifully loved,
Giving light in the dark of day.
Ocean waves beat a song of peace,
Upon the shores of green mountains.

Written by Linda Atwood, 13 October 2023


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